Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Window Painting at 1 Napier Road W14 8LQ

I painted this in glass paint on the shop window.

Its aproximately 9ft x 3.5 ft.

It was commissioned by Gudrun Jonsson, biopath and nutritionist whose practice is next door at 2 Napier Road

This photo was taken inside the shop with a white sheet outside. It shows the body and the organs represented by animals. In Chinese medicine, the 5 Elements -Water, Wood, Earth, Fire and Metal relate to the different organs of the body. The phases of the moon are shown along the perimeters of the body. The sun and moon represent the female and male energies or yin and yang.


These photos were taken at night. The top one inside the shop & the bottom one from outside.

This wave was inspired by Hokusai's

"The Great Wave off Kanagawa" flipped horizontally


The deer represents the kidneys and the water element. Its colour is dark blue or black


The Dragon represents the liver & the wood element.

The turtle with the coiled snake represents the gall bladder. This is also the wood element. It is signified by the colour green


The Phoenix represents the spleen & the earth element

It is signified by the colour yellow


The pheasant represents the heart & the fire element. It is signified by the colour red.


The Snow Tiger represents the lungs and the metal element.

Its colour is white
